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Laser Skin Resurfacing
in Woodland Hills, CA

Realize Your Skin’s Potential

Woodland Hills Laser Skin Resurfacing at Luminous Medical Aesthetics

A bright, youthful, luminous complexion allows you to highlight your unique and beautifully natural features. By enhancing your skin’s texture, tone, clarity, and elasticity, you can increase feature definition and diminish the appearance of blemishes for a healthy, vibrant look. At Luminous Medical Aesthetics, we offer various laser and energy-based treatments to achieve long-lasting and profound skin rejuvenation results. We provide solutions for your concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, acne/acne scarring, rosacea, pore size, spider veins, unwanted tattoos, melasma, unwanted hair, and more. By enhancing your skin’s texture, tone, clarity, and elasticity, you can have a more refreshed and vibrant appearance. Learn about your options here, and c your consultation to discuss your personalized laser skin resurfacing in Woodland Hills.

High-Tech. Low-Downtime.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

At Luminous Medical Aesthetics in Woodland Hills laser skin resurfacing is a term used to describe energy-based treatments designed to impose controlled injury to damaged skin cells, stimulating natural cellular regeneration. A bright, fresh complexion appears as dull, damaged cells make way for newer, healthier skin. With comprehensive complexion benefits, laser skin resurfacing offers significant renewal without the drawbacks and downtime of surgery.

woodland hills laser skin resurfacing model touching their face

Erbium Laser Skin Resurfacing

Erbium laser resurfacing targets the outermost layers of skin to target fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation concerns, and mild scarring. Erbium laser resurfacing can be tailored from a mild to more aggressive treatment, based on your skin goals and available downtime. Erbium laser resurfacing can be applied to the face, hands, neck, or chest.

Q-Switch Laser Treatment

The Q-Switch laser uses concentrated light energy to target pigment within the skin, making it an ideal choice for removing unwanted tattoos, sun spots, age spots, freckles, and pigmentation. In addition, the Q-Switch laser can be used to rejuvenate skin in various areas of the body. 

Carbon Facial

Also called a carbon laser peel, the carbon laser facial is a high-tech, zero-downtime skin resurfacing treatment that is safe and effective for all skin types. The process combines liquid carbon and laser energy to create a chemical reaction that clears away damaged cells and debris from the skin’s surface while heating inner layers for comprehensive rejuvenation.

Precise Treatment & Impeccable Results

What are the benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

With our options for laser skin resurfacing Woodland Hills patients can get a tailored treatment to one or multiple concerns at a time. While each modality offers comprehensive skin benefits, minor differences may make one method more effective for a specific concern. Depending on your individual needs and goals, you may address all of your skin concerns with one laser treatment or incorporate multiple technologies into your treatment plan. With little to no downtime, laser skin resurfacing offers a safe, convenient, and effective way to address:

  • Acne
  • Skin laxity
  • Acne scars
  • Spider veins
  • Uneven tone
  • Stretch marks
  • Enlarged pores
  • Vascular lesions
  • Unwanted tattoos
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines and wrinkles


Your Laser Skin Resurfacing Consultation

During your consultation for laser skin resurfacing with our physician, your skin, goals, and preferences will be assessed to assist in designing your personalized treatment plan. A series of treatments and a combination of treatments may be needed to address your skin concerns.

woodland hills laser skin resurfacing model smiling

Preparing For Your Appointment

Your Laser Skin Resurfacing Procedure

Depending on your treatment, you may need to avoid using certain skin care products or taking certain medications before your procedure. During the planning phase of your treatment, we will provide you with the information you need to arrive at your appointment fully prepared.

Because we offer a range of laser treatment modalities, the details of your procedure will depend on your specific treatment. However, laser treatments typically take about an hour to perform. The nonablative laser skin rejuvenation treatments such as the Q-switch and Carbon Laser peel, have little downtime. The erbium resurfacing treatment has varying downtime depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment.

A Luminous Look That Lasts

Laser Skin Resurfacing Results

With our laser skin resurfacing Woodland Hills patients will notice a difference in the appearance and texture of their skin within about two weeks, though the results will continue to progress for up to three months. In some cases, a series of treatment sessions may be needed to achieve optimal results. Once your treatment is complete, you can look forward to a rejuvenated, energized look lasting for a year or more.

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Heal Your Skin

Laser Skin Resurfacing Recovery and Aftercare

Although recovery varies slightly between modalities, you may notice some redness, swelling, peeling, or tenderness following your treatment, but these minor side effects will subside within a few days to about two weeks, depending on your procedure. While your skin heals, you will want to keep your skin clean, moisturized, and protected from heat and sun exposure. Depending on the details of your treatment, we will provide you with specific instructions to ensure optimal healing and results.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Frequently Asked Questions

 It is important to let your skin heal after laser skin resurfacing. Although this can vary between procedures, you can typically apply makeup within about five days to a week after your treatment.

Most laser skin resurfacing requires no topical anesthesia, as it is well-tolerated by most patients. You may experience some minor discomfort or a warm sensation during treatment, but this should subside as soon as your treatment is complete. Topical numbing cream may be applied for Erbium resurfacing.