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Spider Vein Removal
in Woodland Hills

Clear & Confident

Woodland Hills Spider Vein Removal at Luminous Medical Aesthetics

Are you self-conscious about the appearance of your skin? Don’t let spider veins keep you from wearing your favorite styles. We offer advanced laser treatments for spider vein removal, helping you achieve smooth, flawless skin. Our physician-based care lets you enjoy peace of mind, knowing that your treatment supports your aesthetic goals and overall wellness.

Feel Good All Over

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are a common cosmetic complaint, particularly among women. Known medically as telangiectasia or venulectasias, these veins are tiny, dilated blood vessels close to the skin’s surface. They look like thin lines that are purple, blue, or red, often forming in branching clusters, thus the name “spider veins.” Spider veins commonly occur on the legs, thighs, face (particularly around the nose and cheeks), and other areas of the body.

Genetics, hormones, prolonged periods of sitting or standing, and other factors can predispose some people to developing spider veins. While spider veins are typically not harmful, many people seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. Laser therapy reduces or eliminates spider veins, and addresses symptoms like discomfort or itching to provide clear, smooth skin.

woodland hills spider vein removal model sitting on a stool

The Beauty of Laser Technology

What are the benefits of Spider Vein Removal?

At Luminous Medical Aesthetics in Woodland Hills spider vein removal will allow you to experience the confidence of clear skin with state-of-the-art laser therapy. Our Long Pulse Nd: Yag 1064 nm Laser puts out a wavelength of light that is precisely directed to be absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood within the spider veins. The energy heats the blood vessel walls, causing them to collapse and seal shut. Once the vein is closed off, the body naturally redirects blood flow to healthier veins, gradually causing the treated spider veins to fade and be reabsorbed by the body over time. The procedure is non-invasive and typically requires no downtime.

Here for a More Confident You

Your Spider Vein Removal Consultation

We understand the impact of bothersome spider veins on your confidence and comfort. With our spider vein removal Woodland Hills patients begin their path to flawless, vein-free skin with a personalized consultation. With physician-based care and a deeply patient-centered approach, we are committed to understanding your unique needs, answering your questions, and designing a tailored treatment plan. Let us help you regain confidence in your skin and rediscover a clear, vein-free appearance by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Shaden.

woodland hills spider vein removal model smiling
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Physician-Based Aesthetic Care

Your Spider Vein Removal Procedure

During the treatment of spider vein removal Woodland Hills patients will have a laser device directed toward their affected veins, emitting a precise beam of light that targets them. As the light energy is absorbed by the blood within the veins, it heats up the vessel walls, causing them to collapse and seal shut. You might feel a mild stinging or snapping sensation as the laser pulses are applied to the skin. Most individuals tolerate the procedure well, and the discomfort is generally minimal. After the procedure, you can resume normal activities immediately while taking certain precautions. The number of treatments required can vary based on the size, number, and extent of the spider veins and individual responses to the treatment. While some improvement might be noticeable after a single session, multiple treatments are often recommended for optimal results, typically spaced several weeks apart.

Don’t Miss a Moment

Spider Vein Removal Recovery and Aftercare

After undergoing spider vein removal Woodland Hills patients commonly experience mild side effects such as redness or swelling, which typically subside within a few days. Cool compresses may be applied to manage any discomfort. Following the procedure, it's crucial to avoid direct sun exposure and use sunscreen on the treated areas to protect sensitive skin.

Refraining from harsh skincare products, hot baths, or activities causing excessive sweating for a few days post-treatment is advised. We recommend compression stockings to support circulation. While light activities are acceptable, you should avoid intense exercises or heavy lifting initially to prevent strain or bruising. Adhering to these aftercare instructions is important to achieving a smooth and successful recovery following laser therapy for spider veins.

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Wear What You Want

Spider Vein Removal Results

With our advanced Long Pulse Nd: Yag 1064 nm Laser, you can experience a visible reduction in the appearance of spider veins, revealing a more even skin tone and texture. The precision of laser therapy effectively targets and fades spider veins, unveiling skin that's smoother, clearer, and radiant, allowing you to embrace a renewed sense of confidence.

Spider Vein Removal

Frequently Asked Questions

 Mild side effects like redness, swelling, or bruising in the treated areas are common and usually subside within a few days. Most individuals can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Laser therapy for spider veins can be safe for various skin types, but there may be cases where it is not recommended. Our experts will carefully assess your skin type to determine suitability and discuss potential risks or considerations based on your individual skin characteristics.

Laser therapy can significantly reduce the appearance of spider veins, but complete elimination might not always be achieved. The treatment aims to fade and diminish the veins, improving the overall appearance of the skin.